We are here to assist
Mid-South Testing supports clients in commercial projects and development by providing geotechnical engineering, environmental assessment, and construction materials engineering and testing. Our goal is to provide consistent, quality, and cost-effective services that keep your project in compliance and on schedule. Understanding the needs and objectives of each project allows us to develop a relationship that makes us more than just another vendor; we become a trusted partner committed to helping our clients stay in compliance and achieve success.

Environmental Engineering
- Environmental Permitting
- UST Removal
- Dredging & Dewatering
- Brownfield & Site Redevelopment
- Environmental Site Assessments & Investigations
- Regulatory Compliance
- Groundwater Monitoring Well Installation for Environmental Monitoring (Not Residential Drinking Water)
- Contaminated Site Remediation
- PFAS Investigation & Consulting Services
- Environmental Compliance Audits
- National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permitting
- Stormwater Permitting & Compliance
- Underground Injection Control (UIC) Permitting & Compliance
- Engineering Reports
- Spill Prevention Control& Countermeasures (SPCC)Plan Preparation & Certifications
- On-Site Environmental Training
- Monitoring Well Sampling
- Stream Monitoring
- Remediation Design & Installation
- Hazardous Waste Permitting & Compliance
- Environmental Compliance Audits
Civil Engineering
- Wastewater Treatment Design, Installation & Operation
- Foundation Evaluation
- Drainage & Erosion Control Plans
Geotechnical Engineering
- Subsurface Exploration For Site Design & Development
- Foundation Soil Stability Evaluations
- Slope Stability
- Subsurface Evaluations
Drone Photography & Surveying
- Erosion Monitoring
- Volume Estimation
- Storm Damage Assessment
- Ariel Survey
- Photography
- Basemap Creation
- Compliance Monitoring
- Stockpile Management
- Change Monitoring
- Soil Erosion
- Pre-and Post- Event Comparison
- Topographic Surveys
- Hydrographic Surveys
- Elevation Surveys
- Boundary Surveys
- Serring Monuments
- Marking Boundary Lines
- Mortgage Surveys
- Residential Surveys
- ALTA/ALSM Surveys
- Volume Calculation Surveys
- GPR & Private Utility Location
We Will Help You Every Step Of The Way
Let’s discuss how Mid-South Testing can partner with you to provide innovative solutions.